'Ocean of love is the key and bond to one's heart and lives. The embodiment of virtue when man wedlock’s woman. Gradually, 'the ocean of love' starts converging into dryness and harshness. The bond becomes stone-like, and the brain takes charge leaving the heart behind. Enthrallment vanishes altogether. Bewilderment is the order of the day. All around, man's life is shadowed by thorns all over. 'Life in me' coils back, force, unforce many times. Is this it? Their life remains in a sealed cover for the reader to open it slowly, carefully with an open mind.
'Life in me' is a fictional concept to be decoded by the visionary reader.
Ira smiled to herself as she penned down her thoughts. She had been engrossed in writing her latest book over the last couple of months. Ira happened to check her phone and saw a text message from her husband, Rohit. 'Get ready. I'm home in half an hour. We need to leave soon. Love!'
Ira shut down her laptop as she realised that she doesn't have much time to dress up. ‘I better hurry up!’
"Ira! I'm home. Are you ready to go?" Rohit called out as he let himself through the front door.
Ira walked out of her bedroom and flaunted her red gown in front of Rohit, showing her bump, and said, "I'm ready!" she smiled as she could feel her baby kick.
"I think our little one is excited to go to the party as well," giggled Ira. "Don't you want to change your shirt?"
"No! I'm fine. You know I can pull off white anywhere," Rohit replied as he stared at his phone and then diverted his attention to Ira.
"You're looking beautiful," said Rohit as he stood up and kissed Ira on the cheek. He gently touched their seven-month-old pregnant bump.
"Thanks, darling. Ever since I've gotten pregnant, we've hardly spent any time together. I've been inseparable from my MacBook," says Ira.
Ira's pregnancy glow made her look radiant and beautiful. She let her hair loose as her wavy curls flowed down her shoulders. Although Ira felt something was amiss with Rohit.
"Are you alright? You seem stressed," questions Ira looking at Rohit with concern.
"I'm alright, too much on my plate right now," said Rohit as they walked out of the front door.
"But don't worry, it's all under control," said Rohit.
Rohit and Ira drove down to the venue of the party. It was not the first time Ira was attending Rohit's office party. The so-called party where corporate people get together and talk about their targets, the next promotion, and suck up to their bosses.
"Wow! Ira! You're looking gorgeous," said Rohit's colleague.
"Thank you," said Ira as she smiled and blushed. Ira was sticking out like a sore thumb. She was the only pregnant one in the hall, but it hardly mattered to Ira. She settled herself down at a table, and Rohit called for the waiter to arrange a bite to eat as a few more colleagues joined Ira at the table. Rohit eventually wandered off to the bar to get himself a drink. He met team members who had been working together for over a decade. Rohit proudly announced that he & Ira were expecting.
They all looked at him in awe as they clinked their glasses and announced cheers! Rohit took a sip of whiskey as he chuckled.
The gang talked about how life has transformed since work had become nerve-wracking.
"It's taking a toll on me, but I don't want to say anything to Ira. I don't want to worry her unnecessarily," added Rohit.
As the chatty banter went on along with the unlimited pegs of whiskey, Rohit felt relaxed. A bit too relaxed, one can say.
Ira began to get restless as she found Rohit by the bar even though half of the people had already left the party, "Let's go home. I'm tired," Ira insisted.
Ira dragged Rohit out of the party and suggested they take a cab home. But Rohit insisted that he was alright to drive.
Ira hesitantly sat in the car. However, she didn't have a particularly good feeling about it. Rohit turned the music up as they drove home. Ira repeatedly told Rohit to slow down but with the blaring music he didn’t give it any importance.
As they drove along at a high speed Ira screamed, "Rohit watch out!" Before he could hit the brakes, their car crashed into a truck.
Ira and Rohit laid unconscious in the car as people gathered around and called for help.
Ira woke up in the hospital, feeling groggy, subconsciously her hand reached out for her bump, but she felt nothing.
"WHERE'S MY BABY?" she screamed as everything was blurry in front of her. She could see the nurses and doctors walk into the room. Her eyes got heavy as she laid in bed in a state of shock. Slowly her eyes closed as everything got nebulous.
Ira's mind started wandering and took her back to the time when she attended Neha's wedding. Ira and Neha were neighbours. All heads turned as Ira entered the venue as she was looking stunning in her Indian attire. She found her way to the bride's room.
"Where is the bride to be? Neha?" Ira calls out as she enters the bride's room.
Ira found Neha staring at herself in front of the mirror, lost in her thoughts.
"I'm so excited for you," said Ira as she gave Neha a tight hug from behind. "I can't wait to meet the groom."
Neha took a deep breath. "Ira, I can't do this. I don't want to get married," Neha said anxiously. "You need to get me out of here. I don't know how, but you have to help me," pleaded Neha as she firmly held Ira by her shoulders.
Ira looked at Neha in the eye, trying to grasp the situation.
Ira was perplexed about Neha's decision, and she followed her gut. Ira made last-minute arrangements as she felt she was doing the right thing. After pulling a few strings, Neha eluded the venue. Ira stayed back to keep a check as it didn't take too long for the news to spread that the bride had run away. Ira's eyes wandered through the chaos and commotion till her eyes stopped on a tall man dressed in a tie and suit.
Ira approached the tall man, and to her surprise, she saw Rohit.
Ira and Rohit studied together in the same school until 10th grade. They were classmates who went their separate ways as Ira changed school and had moved to another city. Unfortunately, they never stayed in touch.
He looked handsome as always. He gained height after all the endless games of basketball he used to play in school. His light brown eyes lit up as he saw his old classmate Ira.
"Hey!" they both said as they saw each other and hugged.
"Been ages!" Ira said excitedly.
"How have you been?" asked Rohit. "You've moved back to Delhi?"
"Yes! Dad got transferred again. So, we are back in Delhi for good now," said Ira.
"I'm in my last semester of MBA, and believe me, I can't wait to start work," she added.
"What are you doing these days?" she questioned.
"Oh umm, I'm in the corporate world, surviving, learning the ropes. But I've started at a fairly good package," said Rohit.
"I always knew you had it in you, Rohit. I'm so happy for you," said Ira.
They rekindled the good old days as they grabbed a quick bite together.
"Let's meet up some time," suggested Rohit as they exchanged phone numbers.
Ira called Rohit on Friday morning. She figured that they both had such a great time at the so-called wedding a couple of days ago, why not meet again? She dropped him a text, and she received a prompt reply. They planned to go bowling. Ira and Rohit have always been extremely competitive when it came to games and sports. During the small talk, Ira disclosed that she helped Neha flee from the wedding.
"What?" Rohit said, looking shocked. "That poor guy was left high and dry…"
"Well, she just wasn't ready to get married," Ira explained.
"Look! Are you ready to get married?" Ira fired Rohit.
"No," he promptly replied. "I've just started my career, I need to work, I'm not even looking for some to date as of now," he expressed.
"See!! You and I are in the same boat! But for Neha, the marriage was not of her choice as Ira explained Neha's side of the story. They had a cup of coffee at a cafe and enjoyed their time spent together.
As time passed, Rohit and Ira met more often. They went out for dinner and set the ball rolling to a new relationship with no name. They were more than friends but not lovers. But they needed each other. They were not dependent on each other but still depended on each other at the same time.
They would work hard and spend long hours in the office. They would meet now and then or while away their time over video chats when not together. Gradually, they realized their need for each other.
Friday nights were always fun. These two would usually get together and have the time of their lives as the next day was off. It was always just the two of them. They would either go out, catch a movie, or stay at home and prepare a home-cooked meal together accompanied by red wine.
Ira's colleagues at work would tell her that "Rohit loves you...why can't you see it?" but Ira always paid a deaf ear. She felt they were too immature and would never understand her relationship with Rohit because they have never had anybody like Rohit in their life.
One Friday night, it was raining, cats and dogs. They decided to watch a movie at Rohit's place and order take out for dinner. Rohit insisted that Ira stayed the night. He felt it was unsafe to go back home alone as the roads were chock-a-block. After a lot of convincing, Ira agreed.
"I'll sleep on the couch, and you can take sleep on my bed," said Rohit.
Rohit was a night owl. He texted Ira, "Are you awake?"
She promptly replied and said, "Yes," with the giggling emoji.
Rohit jumped off the couch and peeked inside the room. He dived into bed with her, and they both started chatting. The chatty banter went on till the wee hours of the morning.
They both laid down with their shoulders touching each other and stared at the fan rotate. As the conversation went on, eventually, Ira dozed off. Rohit kissed Ira on the forehead before getting out of bed. Ira turned and faced him as her hand wandered on his chest. She held him close as she didn't want him to go.
"Go to sleep," said Rohit, but Ira held on. She didn't utter a word.
Her mind was racing, and she could feel her heart beating fast. The warmth from Rohit's body gave her a feeling of wanting more.
She slowly caressed her hands and moved them under his t-shirt. She buried her head in his neck as her warm breath touched him. Rohit couldn't possibly hold himself back anymore. It was not long before they both were under the sheet as their bodies and souls united.
The next morning, Rohit was up early, like any other morning. He lovingly made his particular cup of coffee and watched Ira sleep for a couple of seconds. He kissed her on the forehead and whispered in her ear, "Wake up and smell the coffee!"
It took Ira a few seconds to realize that she slept at Rohit's place. They took one look at each other and giggled like college sweethearts.
The week passed quickly as Ira and Rohit had become vulnerable. Rohit needed to have Ira around his apartment. He hated the idea of her sleeping alone in her bed. He missed her the most when he would wake up in the morning. The first thing he would do after opening his eyes is to text message Ira.
The following Friday, they both went out for a romantic dinner. He wanted to do something special for her and made a reservation in a fancy restaurant. They stood in line, waiting to be seated. Ira took one look at the restaurant and said, "Let's go!"
"What?" questioned Rohit as his eyes almost popped out.
"Don't look so shocked! Do you not know me at all by now?" she replied.
"Now what happened?" he questioned.
"I'm not going to let us spend a bomb on one fancy-ass dinner?" she replied.
Before Rohit could say anything, Ira headed out.
"I have a better place to go," she yelled from the corridor.
"You can be very embarrassing at times, you know, Ira," he complained as he caught up with her.
"Where are we going?" Rohit called out.
"Follow me! I have just the perfect place," she said excitedly.
'Some special night, huh!' he thought to himself and grabbed Ira's hand. Rohit wanted to propose. His mind was racing; he wondered what his next move should be.
Ira carefreely put her arms around his shoulder and looked ahead as she maintained her pace.
They walked out to the central porch of the building. Ira and Rohit stood by the fountain, and their eyes met. Ira was breathing heavily after all the trudging. She took a deep breath and said, "I want to sleep next to you tonight," as she looked at him in the eye without blinking.
"I want to sleep next to her for the rest of my life," replied Rohit as he stood before her and got down on one knee. Ira's eyes widened as she stood there in silence.
"Let's remain like this forever! Ira, will you marry me?" asked Rohit.
"YES!" she screamed and jumped on Rohit and wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him.
Ira and Rohit got married a month later. They had a beautiful small wedding with only close friends and family. They were excited to start a new life together and moved into a new home. The days were tiring due to long hours at work and the nights were pleasurable as Rohit and Ira couldn't keep their hands off each other.
It had been a month since these two lovebirds got hitched. To make it exceptional, Rohit decided to prepare a home-cooked meal all by himself. Rohit was so firm that Ira wasn't even allowed to step foot in the kitchen to help. He lovingly prepared a delicious dinner accompanied by red wine. He was no expert at cooking, but that night he worked hard to make it memorable.
After eating an ambrosial meal, they decided to relax on the couch and unwind in front of the television.
Soon, Ira excused herself and went to the washroom to freshen up.
As she returned, she walked by the television, wearing her favourite black lace lingerie. She had her long wavy hair open and kohled eye rim doe that made her look sensual. Ira walked to the kitchen and picked up two glasses of wine, and made herself comfortable next to Rohit on the couch. Rohit was stupefied.
Ira had never walked around the house, flaunting her curves. Ira made herself comfortable next to Rohit as her warm body touched his arm as she placed her leg on his thigh. In his ear, she whispered, "Let's make it a night to remember," and nibbled his ear and ran her fingers through his hair. Rohit gulped his glass wine and lifted Ira in his arms, and carried her to the bedroom. They crashed on the bed and undressed within seconds. It was not long before their bodies rubbed against as they moaned for more. Their hands were all over each other's bodies as their lips locked, and finally, they both laid down next to each other and sighed in satisfaction. But that was not the end of their fantasy. Ira had titillated again with the whiff of old spice's aftershave lotion that Rohit applied after he shaved. They both picked up from where they left off and had a quickie in the shower the next morning.
Rohit and Ira did very well on the professional front. He worked hard to meet his target set by the company. Soon enough, Rohit got a promotion, and Ira turned her hobby of writing into a professional career. She was thrilled with her decision as she could bring out her creative side.
Two years later, Ira was pregnant. The loving couple couldn't wait to welcome their little bundle of joy to the family. Ira made sure she ate well and took care of herself during her pregnancy. She loved singing for the baby. Exercise & yoga became a regular practice, and she already started shopping for the little one.
"Their clothes are so cute and tiny," expresses Ira as she held up a tiny romper with little dinosaurs on it.
"Dinosaurs?" said Rohit.
"How do you know it's going to be a boy?" he questioned
"I don't know. I just have a feeling," Ira said as she held Rohit tight and pecked him on the cheek.
"Oh, Ira! I forgot to tell you. We have to go to the office to get together tomorrow," he said.
"Really? Why? You want a seven months old pregnant lady to go to a boring office party?" Ira questioned.
"Oh, come on! It will be fun! It will make a change for both of us," he said, trying to convince her.
"Oh, alright. But it's going to be a real challenge to figure out what to wear," Ira chucked.
Ira's mind was subconsciously racing as she was laid unconscious in the hospital. She relived the entire office party in her mind, and then there was a loud bang when Ira woke up with a fright.
"NO!" Ira suddenly screamed as she breathed heavily. She opened her eyes, and she saw Rohit standing by her side, looking haggard and worried. Rohit immediately called out for the doctor. He held Ira's hand and tried his best to comfort her.
"Where is my baby?" Ira demanded.
"I'm deeply sorry, Ira, but you lost a lot of blood in the car accident. We couldn't save the baby,” said the doctor.
Ira was devastated, trying to grasp reality.
"Was it a boy or a girl," she asked as she began to howl.
The doctor paused, "It was a boy. I'll come back in some time," said the doctor as they left the room, giving Rohit and Ira a moment alone.
Ira hit rock bottom. She could feel her world crashing down. Rohit visited her at the hospital during his office hours, but Ira lays there numb. He spent the night to make sure she was ok, but Ira didn’t even look at Rohit. After a few days, Ira got discharged from the hospital and went home with Rohit.
The death of their unborn baby created a brick wall between Rohit and Ira. They barely exchanged a few sentences, although Rohit tried his best to make Ira feel better. But she shuts her eyes in anguish. The tragic loss only added abhorrence to their relationship.
The silence between the two began to drown their 'ocean of love.'
A time of tribulation has summoned—the bittering and arguing continued. Ira aimlessly wandered around the house and entered the baby's room. She looked around and saw the baby's toys, his clothes, and the cot. 'Everything seemed so perfect,' Ira thought to herself and sat in the middle of the room and broke down and howled. She fell asleep on the floor, surrounded by the baby's belongings. In tandem, Rohit's workload increased; he hardly got to spend time with Ira.
After a couple of days, Ira's mother came to visit her. They sat down and talked for a while, and Ira decided to go to her paternal home with her mother. Without informing Rohit, Ira left home without even saying goodbye.
Rohit tried several times to get in touch with Ira, but her phone was dead. He found out from Ira's mother that she was safe, and she would be staying with her mother for some time.
As Ira moved in with her parents, she met her father; after all, she has always been daddy's girl. Her father paused for a moment, and they looked at each other without uttering a word.
Her father was distraught with the scenario but didn't have much to say.
"This is your home. Stay as long as you want," said Ira's father as he gave her a tight hug. In Ira's ear, he whispered, "I'm always there if you want to talk about anything," and kissed her on the forehead.
Ira made herself comfortable in the guest room as she unpacked her bag. Her mother watched over her as she stood at the doorway. Her mother felt the torment Ira had been going through. She felt helpless and heartbroken, but all her mother could do was hug Ira. Her mother thought of many ways as to how she could help her daughter overcome this tragedy. But nothing seemed to work.
Rohit was left high and dry. He drowned himself in grief and misery. He worked long hours as the emptiness of the house drove him insane. Finally, he went to Ira to bring her back home.
Rohit pleaded for forgiveness but Ira repented him and pushed him away.
"You just need some time; everything is going to be ok, we can move past this,” expressed Rohit.
"A woman never heals from the loss of her unborn baby," she said and slammed the door.
Rohit left and went home to an empty house with a heavy heart.
Rohit couldn't help but feel feeble and started hitting the bottle. The drinking became regular, and over some time, he turned into a raging alcoholic. Rohit began to have a meltdown and went berserk. Ira and Rohit would quarrel over the phone; this resulted in them drifting further apart.
Over time, Ira started writing again. Her knack for writing helped her express her feelings. Slowly, things begin to take shape. At times she would miss Rohit but suppressed her emotions.
On the work front, Rohit's performance gradually deteriorated. He got time off work to seek help, but he only submerged himself in guilt and alcohol.
Over the next few months, Rohit suffered from chronic liver inflammation, aka cirrhosis, due to excess alcohol consumption. The team of doctors admits him to the hospital to start his treatment.
Ira arranged a full-time nurse to look after him at home as she got the news, but she didn’t return home.
She kept in touch with the nurse to find out about Rohit's well-being. The nurse turned out to be more of a caretaker. She helped with cooking, cleaning, and changed the sheets and made sure he had fresh clean clothes to wear.
After staying in a clean apartment after months and leaving alcohol, Rohit’s life started to get some clarity.
Rohit pondered to himself, 'We both lost a baby. We should fight this together rather than by ourselves.' But Rohit got adamant and agitated. He felt he could do without Ira, but Rohit loved Ira so profoundly that the only thing left he could do was wait for Ira to come back.
Ira's mother got in touch with Neha, Ira's old friend, and informed Neha about Ira's condition and reached out for help. Neha dropped by the next day to meet Ira. They both hugged as Neha held her tight.
"Thank you, Ira, for making me the runaway bride," Neha chuckled.
"I can never forget the look on your face when you asked me to help you flee from your wedding," Ira laughed.
"Well, thanks to you, that was the turning point in my life," said Neha as she smiled at Ira.
Neha's glow on her face caught Ira's eyes.
"What's with you? You're glowing?" questioned Ira.
Neha smiled before she could say anything. Ira asked, "There is some type of aura around you that makes you look so peaceful."
"There is a place I want to take you. Be ready tomorrow by 5 pm. I shall come and pick you up," said Neha.
"Where are we going?" asked Ira.
"Trust me, you're not going to regret it," Neha smiled as she left and headed home.
Neha came by the next day and took Ira to a meditation centre. The place was full of different types of people. It was an evening meditation where people got together and meditated. Neha introduced Ira to Mr. Sharma. He seemed to be a frail older man but had the energy of a teenage boy. Mr. Sharma and Ira have a long discussion about her current scenario. He seemed to have a solution for everything.
Ira asked, "How can you be so positive and say everything is going to be ok?"
"You need to have faith in yourself and surrender yourself to God. People come and go. People die and retake birth. They take rebirth in this world repeatedly, and every time they do, they enter a different family. Each time they have a different mother. But there is only one MA. That is Aadi shakti," said Mr. Sharma
Later during the night, Mr. Sharma's words kept roaming around in her mind, and unknowingly, she fell asleep. She had a good night's sleep after months. The next morning, she called Mr. Sharma and said, "I want to know more. When can we meet again?"
Mr. Sharma and Ira met at the meditation centre the following day. He helped her attain self- realization. "You need to keep a diary, actually two diaries—one for everyday use. Before you go to sleep, write down your thoughts. Two - a planning diary. You need to pen down your thoughts about the future and the past. The diary will help you open your mind," Mr. Sharma explained to Ira.
"You know, Ira. There is something you must understand. The sooner you understand it, the sooner things will change," continued Mr. Sharma.
"What is it?" asked Ira curiously.
"There can be no peace in the world until there is peace within," and paused and looked at Ira in the eye and continued, "and to attain peace from within, you must learn to forgive," as he gave her his blessings and walked away.
Ira stood in the middle of the hall as everyone walked by her. She took a deep breath as she allowed his words to sink in her mind.
In due course, Ira slowly started to feel the change in her body and mind after regular meditation. She slowly started to accept the truth and came out of her cocoon. She eventually started to feel inner peace. Ira began to wake up light-hearted in the mornings. She stayed in touch with Mr. Sharma, who helped guide her through her spiritual journey of life.
Six months later, Ira has a new perspective on life. She looked happier; her skin was glowing, and her eyes got that sparkle back. She continued her journey of writing. All the pieces that had fallen apart were coming together. But there was only one big piece missing, Rohit.
The following morning, Ira and her mother are sipping their cup of morning tea on the balcony. The weather was pleasant. Ira could feel the cool breeze running through her hair. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and told her mother, "I miss him, Mother. I miss my husband," as she looked down at her feet. Ira's mother could make out that Ira was once again lost in her thoughts.
"Ira," said her mother.
Ira interrupted her and said, "I think it is time I talk with Rohit. I mean, we need to stick by each other through thick and thin. Every couple goes through a rough patch."
"At times, it is easier to do things together than all by yourself," added her mother.
Ira's mother got up from her chair and stood next to Ira. She held her face with her hand and grazed it gently and said, "I think it's time," and smiled as she went back into the house.
Ira headed in for a shower. She got ready and headed back home—home, where she and Rohit started a new life.
It being Sunday, she hoped to catch him at home.
She dropped by and rang the bell.
There was no answer. Ira wanted to give him a surprise visit and left with no choice; she picked up her phone and dialed his number.
There was no answer, either.
Ira promptly received a text message from Rohit that said, "I'm in a meeting. Will call you back,"
'It's Sunday,' Ira wondered to herself as she rolled her eyes.
She waited outside the house for a couple of minutes, and then she headed back to her mother's place.
Rohit reached home from work by late evening.
He had an investor meeting that needed his attention and had been working on this deal for over a month.
Rohit entered his house and thought of Ira. He missed her presence in their empty house. 'Ira called... I have to call her back,' he thought to himself as he shuffled his house keys and hung them above the counter in the corridor. Rohit longed for her touch, warmth, and unconditional love. He missed the sound of her voice and her giggle. How could he possibly get closure? He was still living in the same house they moved in together. It was the same bed, the same four walls, the same pictures of them scattered all over the walls and in the house. He stood in front of photos hanging in the corridor and said, "Ira?" with a question mark over his head.
"I'm here," she replied,
To his surprise, he saw Ira sitting on a chair in the drawing-room wearing a blue mid-length dress, looking poised.
Rohit had sort of forgotten how gorgeous his wife looked.
"I didn't know you were going to come back," said Rohit as he tried not to cross the line.
"Neither did I. I guess we both needed some time," Ira said softly.
"I came by earlier, but you weren't home, so I went back home to get my set of house keys," she continued.
"Ira…," said Rohit, holding back his words as he looked her straight in the eyes.
"Shhhh…let me," Ira said as she took Rohit by the hand and sat him down on the couch in the living room.
"I can't stay away from you anymore. We drifted apart as we found it difficult to comprehend each other's sentiments. I don't blame you for the tragic incident. I guess there were too many circumstances that made the situation as such," expressed Ira.
Rohit rubs his eyes with his hands. Trying to recollect the last couple of months as he started to have flashbacks.
"Initially for us, drinking was fun. But then you started to drink because work was stressful, and you needed to unwind. And I still remember how stressed you were on the day of the office party. You weren't yourself," said Ira.
"It's going to be ok. But it will only be ok if we are ok. And if we are together again," said Ira as she held his hand and squeezed it tightly.
Rohit gave in. Deep inside, he had been waiting for Ira to come back to him, back in his arms.
They held each other close and hugged each other tightly.
Ira's tears rolled down her face. She felt complete again. Rohit broke down in tears and said," I'm so sorry, Ira. I don't know how to express myself. All the pain. All the tragedy. I wish I could undo it all. Everything has been so overwhelming. Even at the work front, it's been just too much.
Ira held him tight and said," not another word. I'm here now. I'm never going to leave you again. We are in this together."
"Let's have a cup of coffee," Rohit suggested, "I know you've missed a cup of coffee made by me," he smiled as he made his way to the kitchen as he gathered his emotions.
Ira and Rohit sipped their coffee; Ira decided to blow and bombard Rohit's brains to explore the upheaval's cause and effect in their time spent apart.
"Rohit, if you think deeply about the whole scenario, we were a thickly glued pair. Do you think our 'pang of remorse in life' is because of the compelling workaholic culture that leads to excessive alcohol consumption? Which eventually culminates in a disaster that ruins a relationship?"
Rohit remained seated as her words sunk in.
"Or do you think it is the name, fame, or position that breaks the love bond?" added Ira.
Before Rohit could say anything, Ira rambled on, "or do you think it is the bad luck due to sins committed in the past?"
"Do you think meditation is a solution?" asked Ira.
Rohit sat on the cane chair in silence, listening carefully to every word that Ira was saying. "That is a lot to think about," said Rohit.
"Why? Why the rat race that suffocates the breathing pipe?" Ira said in a loud tone before Rohit could even say anything.
"Or do you think it is an illusion over reality? Or does societal expectation need correction? Have you ever wondered who is to blame? Is it God? Is it, man? Or is it a woman?"
Despite the brainstorming session, these two had over their coffee, Ira and Rohit were unable to zero in an answer. They picked up from where they left off and got on with their lives. As time passed, Ira worked hard in the field of writing and became a renowned author. Rohit ended up opening his own company. Six years later Rohit and Ira were blessed with twins. A boy and a girl. Ira and Rohit were more than grateful and lived life together in love united as one.
‘Life in me’ is a concept. Go on exploring!