Naina was submerged in the scenic view in front of her. She was standing at the shore of Palolem Beach watching the sunset. ‘It’s so beautiful how the sky changes color and turns into pinkish-orange in seconds,’ she thought to herself. Her bare feet sunk in the sand as the waves kept hitting her ankles gently.
The beach was crowded with all sorts of families, kids, stray dogs, hawkers. Some of them were swimming, making sandcastles, selling cotton candy and other sorts of items. A lot of hustle bustle on a Saturday evening.
She spent the whole afternoon lazing in the soft sand and taking a dip in the warm water.
She started to head back to the shack. She was wearing a purple one-piece swimsuit and a wrap-around, loosely tied around her waist which flaunted her beautiful figure.
She noticed that someone was sitting next to her beach chair. Naina and the so-called someone exchanged a look and courteously nodded acknowledging each other. She then bent down and took out her beach bag which was safely tucked beneath the chair and thought, ‘wow!’
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize anyone was sitting here, I can go and sit somewhere else,” said the man.
“No No, it’s fine,” said Naina as she dusted away the sand off her legs and feet, with a towel and sat down on the beach chair with an umbrella above her head. She took a deep breath trying to look as calm and composed as possible.

The waiter walked up to her and said, “Good evening ma’am, How are you doing today? What can I get you to drink?”
“Oh Hello Raj! I’m doing fine, thanks! How are you? Busy day huh! Well hmm, I’ll have a bottle of chilled mineral water.” replied Naina.
“Not having the usual today ma’am?” asked Raj.
“Hmm…. not just yet,” said Naina.
“Sir, can I get you anything to drink?” enquired Raj.
“I’ll have a long island iced tea please,” said the man.
Naina’s ears went up. That was her ‘usual must-have cocktail’ as well. She smiled to herself and couldn’t help but notice how attractive he is. He had an athletic physique, ruffled hair and a perfect smile.
Naina changed her mind and said, “Raj, actually, I will have one of my usuals” and smiled.
“Coming right up,” said Raj.
There was a silence between the both of them. Their eyes wandered around the beach looking at how busy it was.
Finally, their eyes met. Naina awkwardly smiled. She got lost in his light brown eyes.
“Beautiful sunset isn’t it,” said Naina, trying to build a conversation.
“Yes absolutely,” said the man and smiled.
Raj had walked up to them with two large glasses of long island iced tea.
They both picked up their glasses and said “cheers!”
The awkward silence finally broke. Naina just couldn’t stop herself from getting the ball rolling.
“I’m Naina by the way,” she said.
“Rohit,” he said and smiled and shook hands.
“So, where are you from?” enquired Naina.
“Hmmm… I’m from Delhi,” said Rohit sipping the straw of his cocktail.
“Oh really... wherein Delhi? What do you do? I live in Gurgaon,” blabbered Naina.
“I live in north Delhi, I’m a creative art director,” calmly replied Rohit.
“Creative art direction, Wow! Well, I live in Gurgaon and Ummm... I’m a graphic designer,” said Naina.
“Hmmm...Sounds very interesting,” said Rohit.
Before you know it they hit it off and were engaged in deep conversation, getting to know each other and indulging in their cocktails.
Naina thought it was time for her to head back to her room.
But it was Saturday night and they were playing awesome music. People left their chairs and started dancing. The night was young but Naina was contemplating whether she should leave or not.
Rohit figured Naina wanted to leave. But he didn’t want her to go as they both were having such a great time together and he had never met anyone like her. It had been a long time since Rohit had finally found some good company.
“Do you want to dance?” asked Rohit with a sparkle in his eye. The soundtrack ‘Kar Gayi Chull’ from the movie Kapoor & Sons started playing which was ideal for them to have their first dance on.
Naina didn’t have the heart to turn down his offer and obviously agreed.
They danced through the night and binged on more cocktails. They danced on happy songs and romantic ones where their bodies rubbed against each other and their hands intertwined together. She could feel butterflies in her stomach and her heart beating fast. She didn’t realize everything was happening so fast.
Naina looked at the time and saw it was almost one. She decided to call it a night and told Rohit she has to go.
Rohit insisted that he must drop her home as it was late.
But, Rohit being a perfect gentleman, didn’t go up to her room. He bid adieu to her outside. He hugged her and said “your company made my holiday worth it. I had such a great time.”
They both paused and looked at each other, their hands and eyes meeting again and lips curving upwards in a smile.
Naina inclined in toward him thinking ‘oh what the heck, you don’t meet such great guys everyday’ and made the first move.
They both passionately kissed. His hands wrapped around her slim waist and hers around his body.
He said, “I hope I’ll see you tomorrow??”
“Ummm, why don’t you come inside? ” she replied as she held him close to her body, and she kissed him on his neck and whispered in his ear, “Let’s make this a night to remember.”
Rohit just couldn’t resist himself.
As they entered the room he picked her up in his arms and with her legs wrapped around him and crashed on the sofa.
The next morning, Rohit woke up, happy. He admired Naina sleeping for a couple of minutes and made himself a cup of coffee.
As he sipped his coffee he was enjoying the sea and the sky in front of him. Naina got out of bed and kissed Rohit and said, “Morning!” and smiled.
“Morning Love!! We were really on fire last night huh!” said Rohit beaming with joy!
“Hmmm”, said Naina grinning.
“By the way, we have to check-out by noon. The kids must be driving Mom crazy by now,” said Rohit.
“I know, the fun crazy night is over. And I miss my little munchkins, said Naina.
“Time to check-in to reality. But I had a great time last night,” said Naina holding Rohit close.
“So did I,” replied Rohit and kissed his wife on her forehead.