My best friend came to visit me & my daughter post delivery. She asked me over the phone “what do I gift Reya?” I said “I have no idea.” But knowing what a book lover she is I should have guessed that she would buy Reya her first collection of books. And believe me it was one of the most useful gifts we received.
So, the first time I sat down with Reya to read her a book was when she was about five months old.
Reya eyes widened with fascination. She was so amused because the baby books were the accurate size, colourful and huge pictures. It kept her busy. I was thrilled. I would read to her and tell her what was what. Reya would grunt away and make happy noises. In a few months I would call out the names of things and she would point them out to me in the book. It gave me such joy and happiness!

Till today my daughter has a habit of browsing through her books. She has her own shelf where her books are kept. She picks them up and puts them back by herself. She would even pick which book she wants to read. She even identifies things and tells me what they are. Her vocabulary for her age is fantastic say my mother. (Proud moment for me!!)
As of now, step by step we are learning shapes, colours, opposites and so on.
You can start reading to your child from any age. You’re not only doing something productive but you’re bonding with your child. You need to spend quality time with your little one. They depend on you. Rather than making them sit in front of a screen or handing them your phone, read to them, sing, dance, draw, color, go crazy! This time isn’t going to come back. Make memories! Give your baby a happy childhood.
Here is her reading list -
Baby Touch Peekaboo- One of the best books for a baby. The pictures are big and colourful. Keeps your little one engrossed and busy. It also has flaps to open and close. And it's the cutest thing when they point out with their little finger to touch and feel certain parts of the book.
Where Is Baby's Belly Button ( Karen Katz lift the flap books) - This was my nephew’s book which was passed on to me. Again another interesting book where the baby learns things like cup, cat, eyes, mouth, hands etc. It's easy to hold and hard bound.
I Love You Through And Through - This is a very heart warming book. One of my favourites. It's definitely a keeper for your little baby. I feel its gets you very emotional by the end of it.
Baby Touch: Hello Baby ( Ladybird Baby Touch)- This was one of my baby’s first books. It's perfect in size so your little one can hold it in his hands. It's very colourful and bright.
That’s not my teddy...its paws are too wooly.. by Usborne touchy feely books - This collection is apt for your toddler. They can identify and understand the pictures. You can also play a game and tell them to find the mouse. It’s super cute.
Baby Touch - Colours - A great way to teach your baby colours. Big and colourful pictures. You can teach your toddler the basic colours. It is a bright and has interactive touch and feel pages.
Happy Baby ABC - This was also passed on from my nephew. This is one of my daughter’s favourite books since the beginning and still is. It’s a simple book from A to Z with colourful pictures. It’s not too big so I carry it with me when we go out for a meal. It keeps her pre-occupied.
The Jungle Book by Campbell - This is a cute short story of the Jungle Book. it has push, pull and slide scenes that brings the book to life. Most fascinating for your little one. There are more books of this type available online by Campbell.
My First Book Of Farm Animals, Om Kidz. - This book has big attractive pictures of real life animals. The font is big and easy to read. Also very interesting for your little one.
ABC English to Hindi - This was given to Reya by her Naani. It’s a lovely book that covers everything you want to teach your toddler. Starting from the alphabet in English & Hindi moving on to animals, transportation, flowers, insects, holidays, the weather and so much more. This is my saviour when my daughter refuses to eat. Show her the book, get her busy and feed away!
So go ahead!! Get your baby their first book collection.
Believe me, you’re going to love it and so will they!